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Tennis New Sport England data shows big rise in tennis participation

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Sport England measure the number of people who have played a sport twice in the past 28 days (averaged across a year from November to November), and their data demonstrates that 915,000 adults were playing tennis this regularly in England from November 2021 to November 2022.

This is the highest figure recorded for tennis since Sport England started the Active Lives survey in 2015-16 – and shows a 43 per cent increase on participation in 2020-2021, which was obviously a period heavily influenced by the impact of the pandemic.

Earlier this year the LTA announced similar significant rises in its own participation data. Whilst the LTA measures participation across the whole of Great Britain and records how many people play once a year or once a month, the trends were the same as the Sport England data – with figures for frequent play at their highest ever level.

Scott Lloyd, LTA Chief Executive said: "I’m delighted that Sport England’s Active Lives survey shows the same upward trajectory as our own participation data. When we put in place our Tennis Opened Up strategy in 2019 – one of our main priorities was to reverse the decline in tennis participation and get more people out on court more often. Not least to build on the success of Andy Murray and the Davis Cup team in previous years. With the highest figures recorded since Sport England started their survey we’ve managed to do this. It’s testament to the hard work of everyone involved in British tennis, from grass roots coaches, volunteers, clubs and park courts – right through to our professional players."

Meanwhile, the LTA has announced a £1.5m cash boost for a range of tennis projects including those supporting disabled people, lower socio-economic groups, mental health, the rehabilitation of ex-offenders and families living in temporary accommodation.