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Nascar Do you think the penalties on Red Bull from the cost cap breach were reflected in testing or will this only start showing later in the season? Or not

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Staff member
They were not reflected in testing, they may start showing later in the season, but they possibly will not show at all because at the end of the day, if you have fewer runs to do in your wind tunnel, all that means is that an aerodynamicist with a crazy idea just gets shouted down and told, ‘ don’t be ridiculous, we don’t have time for that, we’ve got that this restriction don’t you know, we just have to be a bit more disciplined with what we put on the car.’ And that’s it, that’s all it is.

The person that comes and says, ‘I’ve got this idea to put on the car, it’s this shape, this is the simulation I’ve done, this science shows that everything’s gong to be kushty on this and we’re going to get a great result with it.’ They’ll say, ‘ok, you’ve done your process, let’s put that on the car.’

Nine times out of 10 the wind-tunnel will show that it was the right thing to do. So they just have to be more disciplined, more selective and more efficient. And then, if they do that and do that successfully – and they’ve got good people and they’re well-funded so there’s no reason why that shouldn’t happen – then there’s a possibility that their cost cap penalty will have no effect whatsoever.

And is that a problem? That’s only one for the FIA to decide.