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Boxing Conor Benn has maintained his innocence

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Staff member

"Mr. Benn denied at all times the intentional or knowingly ingestion of any banned substances. His defence against the Adverse Finding centered on allegations of potential laboratory analysis failures and irregularities in connection with the analysis of his samples and of the results of the samples' testing. The WBC consulted several experts in anti-doping laboratory analysis, including an expert consultant with over 30 years of experience in WADA and IOC accredited laboratory settings. The WBC concluded that there was absolutely no fault attributable to the laboratory that analysed Mr. Benn's samples. Further, the WBC reaffirms the unquestionable integrity of VADA and the sample collection agencies and laboratories which services VADA uses in connection with the WBC CBP."

It continued: "It was not until early January of 2023, that the WBC Results Management Unit was able to undertake the full, substantive analysis of Mr. Benn`s arguments and defences. On January 26, 2023, members of the WBC Results Management Unit held an inquiry session with Mr. Benn and members of his legal team. In early February of 2023, Mr. Benn's team for the first time provided a detailed breakdown of Mr. Benn's diet and supplement consumption that could have directly affected the Adverse Finding.

"The WBC availed itself of the services of an expert nutritionist. The WBC experts provided information about the characteristics of the substance at issue in this case and examples of similar adverse findings in several sports, under a diverse number of anti-doping programs.

"The WBC Board of Governor's ruling was based on: (1) the facts as known to the WBC at the time of the ruling; (2) any extenuating circumstances applicable to the specific case at hand; (3) WBC rulings in precedential anti-doping violation cases; (4) the unbiased, common-sensical and just analysis and recommendations of the WBC Results Management Unit; and (5) credible and reliable health-related and scientific literature.

"The WBC found that: (1) there was no conclusive evidence that Mr. Benn engaged in intentional or knowing ingestion of Clomiphene; (2) there were no failures in the procedures related to sample collection, sample analysis, or violations of Mr. Benn's B Sample rights that would justify questioning or invalidating the Adverse Finding; and (3) Mr. Benn's documented and highly-elevated consumption of eggs during the times relevant to the sample collection, raised a reasonable explanation for the Adverse Finding.

"The WBC Nutrition Committee will work with Mr. Benn's team to design a nutrition program geared to avoid the risk of a future adverse finding caused by nutritional factors. Mr. Benn shall be subjected to regular anti-doping testing to monitor the effect of the WBC-ordered nutritional program.

"The WBC shall include Mr. Benn in its ratings during the period immediately following the issuance of its ruling. Mr. Benn's position in the WBC Ratings shall be based solely on his merit and the customary factors the WBC Ratings Committee apply to rating boxers.