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šŸ€Basketball Britain's Robyn Love (C) during the Tokyo Summer Paralympic Games

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Laurie grew up living with motor neuropathy, which affected nerves in her trunk and legs, while Robyn was born with arthrogryposis with shortened muscles meaning her right leg is shorter than her left.

Robyn knows the power of representation and its importance growing up: "I didn't see LGBT people, disabled people, never mind the two things combined. Personally, I didn't see myself represented in media."

This experience has become the duo's driving force to be positive role models for the LGBTQ+ community, but raising awareness of the range of disabilities is important too, they say.

"I didn't see myself represented [during my childhood] because I could walk, I could play sport although I couldn't run very fast or jump very high, but for me, sport was everything growing up. I actually only found out about Paralympic disability sport when I was 22."

Robyn watched Laurie compete at the 2012 Paralympics in London before meeting her two years later. On the increased coverage of disability sport, Laurie remarks "so many people now have said 'I've seen it all on the television, isn't it great?'"